Thursday 7 March 2013

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 11: I Aint a Judas



After the engaging shootout at the end of episode 10, The Walking Dead settles its pace down once again in this quiet and political episode. After learning of The Governor’s attack on the survivors at the prison, Andrea is furious and uses Milton to reach Rick and the group. Up until recently every character believed Andrea to have died in the season 2 climax, yet their reception to her arrival is understandably cold. What follows is lots of talking and debating, making I Aint a Judas relatively low key considering how frenetic the show has become.

It’s just a shame that low key can act as a substitute for mundane here; Andrea’s attempts to cause a truce between the 2 warring factions is an almost pointless endeavour. In Woodbury The Governor is training every able bodied man woman and child to fight much to the horror of everyone's least favourite blonde. Her pleas are equally as useless to Rick and Glen, both of whom are prepared to fight Woodbury to the death.

While Laurie Holden’s character has been one of the most annoying in the lifespan of the show, she is written to gain a little redemption here. Trying to bring about a ceasefire certainly makes her a whole lot more likeable, but this improvement is offset by a maddening ending, her refusal to kill The Governor while he sleeps is as selfish as it is infuriating. This seems to be a case of 1 step forward and 2 steps back for her, potentially bringing even more detractors to her role in the series. Much like Lori, fans are hankering for her death, and rightfully so.

What separates shows like The Walking Dead from shows like Breaking Bad is the use of quiet, small scale episodes that are designed to build up to something dramatic. I Aint a Judas isn’t a bad episode, but compared to Vince Gilligan’s masterful series, the show simply cannot compete. We all know the season finale will be spectacular, but the connective tissue for these exciting set pieces is in need of some refinement.


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