Monday, 31 December 2012

The walking dead Season 3 mid season finale Episode 8: Made to Suffer

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Warning, season 3 spoilers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Click the link to reveal review.

It’s here. The highly anticipated mid season finale of the walking dead has erupted onto out TV’s. After a strong peak with E4 ‘Killer Within’ we were given 3 episodes of rising tension and bubbling intensity that has come down to this, an engrossing and exhilarating climax that will mesmerize fans of this entertaining zombie series.

Rather strangely, E8 opens with our perspective placed on another group of survivors who’re being lead by fan favourite Tyrese (Chad Coleman). After narrowly escaping a horde of walkers the group makes their way into the prison, situating not far from the remnants of Ricks group that are holding fort. Despite the tease of new characters, this isn’t the most interesting aspect of the episode. That honour goes to the assault on Woodbury as an entire season erupts into a furious climax.

With Michonne's help Rick, Darryl and Oscar attack The Governors Town in a tense and enthralling shootout. In a series that has focused almost exclusively on human vs. Zombies, the battle proves to be just as refreshing as it is exhilarating. Smoke smothers the Woodbury streets, machine guns erupt and bodies crumple to the floor like paper. It’s not a spoiler to say that at least one member of the group doesn’t make it out. We also get a separate confrontation where Michonne and The Governor engage in a 1 on 1 brawl. The shaky camerawork is well utilized here, adding to the frenetic nature of their encounter. It’s certainly vicious, culminating in a bloody and brutal outcome.

While Made to Suffer is an excellent way to bring about a mid season finale, issues that have plagued the entire series still haven't been addressed. Most notably is the horrendous writing for Andrea, whose character continues to exhibit the intelligence of a walker. I personally find her beyond redemption with her constant betrayal of Michonne, the woman who has saved her life on more than one occasion. Still, when a series is this engaging and finishes on a monumental cliff-hanger, it’s safe to say that the wait from now until  the season resumes in February can’t come quickly enough.


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