Tuesday 9 April 2013

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 16 Welcome to the Tombs



Ever since The Walking Dead’s excellent mid season finale, the show has been slowly building up to an earth shattering finish, hours of careful plotting to what we all expected to be an earth shattering climax. After all, why would episodes 8 through 15 be so slow, almost to the point of tedium? In what is an utter letdown, Welcome to the Tombs is the worst episode of season 3 so far, a lifeless whimper to a season that required a ferocious bang.

With Rick and the group planning on abandoning the prison in anticipation of The Governors assault, things are looking incredibly dire for our protagonists. In the camp of Woodbury the mood is vehemently aggressive, The Governor rallying his troops to prepare them for the impending battle. While the 2 sides gear up to war, Andrea is bound and locked in a room with a severely injured Milton who is dying from The Governors stab wounds, her small amount of screentime is impressively cut between the episodes more pressing matter.

But like much of the episode, Ricks retreat is something of a ruse, to us and the opposing force, the attack on the prison is flipped as Glenn and Maggie ambush the aggressors and drive them out. The ridiculousness of this scene is a problem that has been a regular occurrence in human vs. human battles on the show in that no one ever seems to hit their targets. Despite opening up on over a dozen Woodbury citizens all in a relatively tight space, nobody dies. This anticlimactic moment aptly sums up the episode on the whole; very little payoff for a great deal of build-up.

Elsewhere, Tyrese and Sascha are quickly swapped back to the good side quickly; there stay in Woodbury is made to look even flimsier than it already was. The character is a big character in the comics, but much like Michonne he is so far lacking in the translation to the screen. Other than the brief exchange of bullets with Ricks dull Woodbury counter attack, he does very little which sums up the action scenes nicely. Very little. The Walking Dead is more than capable of delivering some ace setpieces and gun battles, elements that are almost absent in this flat finale. Beyond Carls execution of a fleeing Woodbury soldier, the Governor shows his true colours by massacring his remaining warriors after the prison attack is repelled, mindlessly slaughtering scores of innocent people. He and Martinez drive off into the distance; this excellent villain is going to return sometime in the future of the show, quite possibly the only smart move the episode actually makes.

Hell, the only real character deaths we get are Milton and everyone's most hated waste of space, Andrea. Milton is an interesting character due to knowing The Governor before the outbreak, but his backstory is never developed upon, making him another character to end up as little more than cannon fodder. Andrea’s death is an oddly satisfying moment, only because of how truly awful of a character she is. The attempt to make her death emotional is a laughable decision; did anyone actually care about this mess in the slightest?
The 3 things that were required from this episode was to conclude the Woodbury story arc, deal with the governor (keeping or killing him, either would’ve been satisfactory) and give some payoff in the form of blistering action. It’s utterly devastating that only one of these topics was actually addressed. The result is a poor episode and an even worse season finale, a failure that makes the wait till Octobers season 4 seem excruciating at best, and utterly pointless at worst. A sour ending to a good season.


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