Tuesday 23 April 2013

Short review: Cave of Forgotten dreams

Director: Werner Herzog
Considering the vast amount of critical acclaim he garners, my expectations for my first Werner Herzog documentary was reasonably high. Matching the supposed calibre of the director was the topic of the film, an examination of the oldest known cave drawings in the world.  While the cave itself-covered with calcium deposits and glorious paintings- is rather captivating, the rest of the doc isn’t. The beauty of the caves is soon abandoned for hideously dubbed scientists. Not that it matters as they mostly talk shit anyways, from one explaining how he searches for caves by smell (and how he’s president of a wine club?!) to another playing tunes on a replica flute. The film is stuffed with boring filler, right down to the 10 minute cave drawing montage we’ve already seen almost a dozen times. Should’ve been a 30 minute short instead of a full on film. Avoid.


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