Wednesday 27 February 2013

Short review: Misery

Director: Rob Reiner

It’s unfortunate to remark that 1990 thriller Misery is less than the sum of its parts. James Caan, Kathy Bates, directed by Rob Reiner and based on a Stephen King novel; it has the makings of a classic. Yet these components are functional rather than sensational, leaving Misery feeling slightly undercooked. Famed novelist Paul Shelton (Caan) has a car crash only to be thankfully rescued by his “number 1 fan” Annie Wilks (Bates). His injuries leave him bed ridden as Annie’s crazy obsession with him bubbles to the surface. Bates does a good job as this distressingly creepy crazed fan, although she often overdoes key moments with a little too much lunacy. This is a contrast to Caan; giving a performance so phoned in that he’s almost catatonic at times. The film is certainly disturbing; although its concept isn’t suited to the films stretched running time.


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